Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What's up, Big Haircut?!?!?!?

Well ... tonight was the night. Natalie finally caved and set up an appointment with cousin Allison Smith to cut Jasper's hair.

We'll miss that one big curl that stuck out from behind his right ear (especially when he got a little sweaty and it stuck out even further), but at just over 16 months old, it was time for a good shape-up.

Things started off curiously, with Allison throwing a bright pink cape over J's shoulders. He gave it no mind.

Same goes for the haircut.

In fact, he was oddly quiet and sat very still through the whole thing, which didn't even take 10 minutes. Not surprisingly, he showed NO EMOTION AT ALL, and kept that inquisitive, patented 'Jasper' look the entire time.

Allison caught J off guard with a couple quick spritzes from the water bottle, but he took those in stride. He even grabbed a comb and tried to help her out a bit.

Grandma Vicki, who had an appoint right after J’s, was on hand to witness the event, and Nat taped pretty much the whole thing. It’ll be as well-documented as any first haircut could — and probably should — be.

We want to thank Allison for a great haircut. (I’m sure we’ll be back!)

Photos shown include J pre-cut wearing the ‘dandy’ cape, ‘the first cut’, him looking serious as Allison takes a quick break, him cuddling up on Allison after the cut, and the Big boy himself, showing off his new cut - spikes and all. (He's very excited, can't you tell?!?!?)


Unknown said...

So...was he 'oddly quite' or was he 'oddly quiet'? Just askin'. :)

Wilson family said...

Fixed. Now YOU be quiet.

Erin and Jesse said...

He's looking pretty spiffy with his new do.