Thursday, July 23, 2009

Using a spoon!

A week or so ago Natalie emailed me at work with a story from that morning's breakfast.

"Jasper wouldn't let me feed him this morning," she said.

Every time she would try to put a spoonful of oatmeal in his mouth, J would grab the spoon. He's a big boy now, I guess, and wants to use the spoon himself.

So, every morning since we give him a chance to feed himself. Some days he's more interested in using the spoon than others. On the day of this photo, he ate the whole bowl of oatmeal (with peaches!) on his own.

He doesn't have it mastered yet, but he's not doing too bad. we definitely started using the bib again.

As you can see, he was pretty pleased with himself. And so were we.

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