Friday, August 7, 2009

National Balloon Classic 01

Natalie, Jasper, cousin Sydney Wilder and I went last Saturday, Aug. 1 to the National Balloon Classic in Indianola. We had a great time, although for as sunny as it was there was a little chill out on the balloon field. The wind threatened the first flight of the Classic, but after a short delay they all took to the skies - dozens of bright colored balloons. It was very peaceful.

A highlight was the train, which Nat, J and Syd rode. But they all agreed it wasn't as good as Grandpa Paul's!

We also had a nice catered dinner courtesy of the Indianola Record-Herald's sponsorship of the event, and even got a little ice cream on our way home.

Syd stayed the night after after that we went out to grandpa Paul and grandma Debbie's house to play around. Had a great lunch and some of the best sweetcorn we've had so far this summer.

(More photos in next post.)

Great weekend!

1 comment:

Erin and Jesse said...

Some of my dad's sweet corn? It was pretty delish. I've been eating so much sweet corn lately that I think I'm getting corned out. Dad says there is way to much sweet corn left, so anyone who wants some better come and get it. I know they would love it if you came and picked more.