Sunday, July 12, 2009

4th of July ... a week late (No. 2)

The Wilders came to Waukee to watch the parade with us and celebrate the holiday with Nat's side of the family at Junior & Sandy Swallow's house. It wasn't your typical Iowa 4th of July; with temps in the 70s and gray skies, you saw FAR more people than normal with long sleeve shirts and pants on. But it wasn't too chilly for a parade ... and water balloon fight!

Jasper loved the parade. He 'ooohed' at the loud sirens and bright colors, delighted when a few people walked by with dogs and pretty much waved 'hi' at everyone who passed. He also took a few minutes out of his busy schedule to hang with the girls (friend Campbell and cousin Perri).

As you can see J meant business once the water balloons came out, and spared no one in his quest to soak 'make it rain'. Not sure if one of the balloons he threw ever broke, but he sure tried hard! The way he's been tossing around balls and blocks and remotes and phones and food at home, he's going to be dangerous next year with those balloons. You've been warned.

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