Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Playin' dress up

We were invited to a Halloween costume party on, believe it or not, Halloween. So Nat and I and our friends Kyl and Ami Gillespie got all gussied up and headed to Adam and Heidi's garage in Altoona. (They are the ones dressed as a witch and a, um, Mexican.)

The Gillespies dressed up as a football player (Kyl) and cheerleader (Ami) from GMG. Kyl is the head football coach at Green Mountain-Garwin.

Natalie dressed up as a lady bug with homemade wings and all.

And I built my own human Scrabble costume, complete with words on both sides and extra letter tiles fashioned into a hat. (No, "G. E. I. B." doesn't stand for anything. Those were random letter selections.)

Pretty good times. Plus, now I've already got my homemade gift to give away for the Diddy Christmas. Sweet!

1 comment:

Erin and Jesse said...

Awesome Costume ADAM! We are all about the homemade. Looks like you guys had a fun time. You need to make sure my mom sees your costume. She is a Scrabble Fanatic.