Sunday, November 1, 2009

Fun outside

We took advantage of the nice weather today and played for a couple of hours after the Broncos lost to the Baltimore Ravens this afternoon. It was Denver's first loss of the season and it was an ugly one. Oh well. I wasn't sure they'd win 6 games all season, so they've surprised the heck out of me thus far this season.

Anyway, it was 65 and sunny so I picked up leaves while Nat and J swung, then we played in one of the leaf piles for a bit. Jasper didn't quite fall in love with the leaves, but stayed in them long enough to throw a few handfuls for Cozmo to chase and he rolled around in them enough to cover most of his clothes.

He also found time to pick up sticks, climb the fence when Nat was chasing him, help me mow up the leaves and watch passing airplanes. (Notice the four pieces of sidewalk chalk he's holding, which he wouldn't let go even though he wasn't real interested in drawing tonight. Instead, he carried them around long enough to get chalk all over his hands, face and clothes.)

1 comment:

Erin and Jesse said...

Jesse was so disappointed in the Broncos loss too. He's actually been bugging me to ask you what you've been thinking about the Broncos team this year and their surprisingly good season. I told him to ask you himself, but apparently that takes too much effort. We took naps after the Broncos game. I wish we had a yard to rake leaves in and play in. Yeah I said it I am jealous.