Friday, November 6, 2009

A few of my favorite things

Jasper's pretty set in his routine, which includes a small cup of water/juice after breakfast, a nap after lunch and, of course, a cup of milk before bedtime. Maybe the most important of J's daily (and nightly) habits is having his blanket nearby.

He calls it Bubba and, actually, he's got two of them - one blue (the original) and one white (the backup). They're the same type of blanket, just a different color, and he doesn't seem to mind that fact.

Bubba gives J some security. If he falls, sometimes he calls out for it. Same thing when he's tired. And sometimes he just wants to hang with his buddy, Bubba, and carries it around — usually tripping or slipping on it, falling, then calling out for him forgetting that Bubba is the one that made him fall.

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