Monday, June 29, 2009

We've got a sandbox!!!

J likes playing in grandpa Paul and grandma Debbie's sandbox so much, we just had to have one.

Jasper's best buddy (grandpa Paul) and I — with a little help from the J-man himself — built a sandbox in our backyard on Saturday. No, J wasn't in the way, he was helping gramps dig with the spade. And he wasn't falling over all the dirt clumps, he was just entertaining us.

We've already logged some quality sandbox time and I'm sure there's hours and hours and hours ahead of ourselves.

Thanks again gramps!


Erin and Jesse said...

Sand boxes are such fun, but no fun when it comes to clean up. I hate trying to get all the sand out of my shoes. The toddlers in my class throw the sand out of the box or on each other's heads whenever we're not looking. What a pain. I always loved playing in the sandbox when I was little too though.

Wilson family said...

J throws the sand, too. We give him a warning or two and if he throws it after that we take him out of the sand box to play with something else. That'll teach 'em!