Monday, June 1, 2009

Lowes, Lowes, and more Lowes

6 p.m. Off to LOWES to shop for flowers
6:15 p.m. Jasper P has fun going for a ride on the carts in the garden area
6:20 p.m. Mom and Dad are not looking, and Jasper takes a nosedive off the cart into the cement!!!
6:30 p.m. We get Jasper calmed down and he's back on the cart riding again, having fun.

7 p.m. Off to LOWES
7:15 p.m. We decide not to put Jasper back on the carts in the garden area
7:30 p.m. Adam gets supplies for landscaping projects in backyard

9:00 a.m. Head to LOWES for more supplies for landscapaing project
2:00 p.m. Landscaping project completed
2:05 p.m. Jasper very happy our LOWES trips are completed for the weekend.

Somewhere between our weekend of LOWES madness, we took time to head to Bill Borseth's SE Polk graduation party (family picture before party in this post) and have a nice BBQ with Grandma Vicki. And Adam completed two really great landscaping projects in the back - great work, honey! Oh, and Jasper still has kind of an "egg" on his forehead from his fall, but he didn't let it stop him at all this weekend!

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