Monday, June 22, 2009

Brenda's Wedding

Brenda Vitzhum (high school friend of Adams) got married in Cancun and celebrated their reception at the Fort Des Moines Museum. It was a beautiful evening for an outdoor wedding and we had a great time! If you look closely, we got a picture of Jasper's tears on his face. He was not wanting to stop playing outside and get into the car to head to a wedding, but he ended up having a great time once we arrived.

The location was nice, except for one minor detail - a HUGE wading pool and sloping water fountain - that stretched almost the entire length of the reception area. We were all dressed in our wedding attire and had to keep a watchful eye on Jasper P as he was very intrigued by the water ALL night. Luckily, Quinn McMurray was there along with Noah and Sam, so he had some friends to keep him occupied. in one picture Quinn is loving her cupcake and in another picture, the McMurray's were getting ready to leave - as you can see - Quinn got a little too happy in the water and ended up falling in the fountain :)

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