Monday, June 29, 2009

Red socks or legs?

We're going to play a new game tonight. It's name: 'Red Socks or Legs?'

It's a game show starring me, the idiot who put sunscreen everywhere but on my legs Sunday when I played golf with Kyl Gillespie and a handful of other guys in the annual Earlham Freedom Fest golf fundraiser.

Here's how you play: 1. look at the photo attached to this blog; 2. ask yourself the question, Is Adam wearing long, red sox or are those his legs?; 3. write me a message saying how dumb it is to get that sun burned.

1 comment:

Erin and Jesse said...

It's okay my fellow pasty white Wilson I did something similar a couple weekends ago, but it involved my newly exposed neck. Let's just say I forgot I had short hair and ended up with a blazing red neck for several days. Ouch! Never again!