Wednesday, January 30, 2013

We're Back...

Well, what can I say about these past few months since this last post from October. Unfortunately, I landed in the hospital for the month of November and was diagnosed with Wegeners Disease, which is an autoimmune disorder that affects my upper respiratory system. It has been quite a trying few months for the Wilson household with me basically being too sick to function and Adam taking on the reigns of everything, to which he is the most amazing father, husband, and caregiver in the world, I might add!! It is now January 30 and I'll write a longer post later about everything going on with the disease, but for now, I want to start posting some more family photos that we've taken since October. There haven't been too many since we've been pretty busy with all of this, but I wanted to try and catch up atleast a little :) So, here are some photos from Christmas 2012, which is our very first Christmas in our new home in Bondurant and this is us putting up our Christmas tree and decorations. We were

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