Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Happy New Years 2013

Here are a couple shots from our New Years Celebration :) This was the first day of my treatments for Wegeners (6 hour infusion) so Adam and the kiddos got Applebees curb-side, a couple movies, some party hats, and some snacks. While I slept for the majority of the night, they played Wii, hung out and had a nice relaxing time. Unfortunately, by the time we got photos, Miss Avery was already in bed and I had just woken up.
Adam and I were both awake at midnight to wish each other a Happy New Years! Even though it is very easy for me to get pretty down about what has happened to my health these past few months and what lies ahead, each moment with our family is one that I treasure. Even though this holiday season wasn't quite what we were thinking it would be, it was still full of many, many blessings,wonderful and amazing family and friends, love, and support that I am so truly thankful for!

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