Thursday, January 31, 2013

Avery Getting Bigger

Avery is a becoming a big help around the house these days. Here she is helping with the dishwasher...she's got the right idea, just the wrong product :) She also likes helping with laundry and taking clothes from the laundry room into the bedroom that we tell her to. She's really starting to come into her own person - her and brother are having more laughs together than hair pulling sessions (hair pulling by Avery not Jman) these days, and she is starting to have more conversations with us. Popular words are: Bubba, "uh-uh" (which usually means yes), Wormer (Grams and Gramps dog), dadda, momma, and "ruff-ruff." She did say "Melissa" for Aunt Melissa pretty clear one day and has also said "brother" pretty clear a couple times. She is a great eater, loves putting on her black boots that were hand-me-downs from Claire and Ava Norem, but also loves to take off her boots and her socks when daddy is driving them to daycare in the morning. She also likes to get into the bathroom cabinets, put on lotion, and comb her hair. She is starting to get into feeding and walking her baby dolls, but still loves a good Ninja turtle or lego-building playing session with brother.

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