Sunday, December 13, 2009

Snow: II

The first half of our time playing in the snow on Saturday was spent sliding down the snow-filled slide and swinging in the snow-filled sing. The wet/cold slide made for a heck of a ride, as those conditions paired with Jasper's slick snow pants sent him shooting into the snow at the bottom.

He was a little wary of the slide the first time, but with a little urging from daddy (read: pushing), he realized just how much fun it was and probably went down another 25 times.

As for the swing, which grandpa Paul originally built for cousin Sydney, the extra layers of clothes J was wearing kept him from leaning forward like he normally does. That meant he was almost laying back in it, which made for some very cute (I think) photos. He was going high, of course, but not as high as his 'upside down' photo makes it seem.


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