Sunday, December 13, 2009

Playing in the snow

Jasper and I had a great time playing in the snow Saturday afternoon while Natalie was shopping. We got all bundled up and hit the backyard, which still has about a foot or more (mostly more) of snow covering everything.

He struggled to get around out there, and was a little grossed out by Cozmo's 'collection' in front of the deck (as was I), but once we stomped down some of the snow he was able to stay on his feet pretty well.

We spent our time doing two things:

1) Throwing snow for Cozmo, who absolutely LOVES chasing snowballs. J especially likes holding onto the snowballs and letting Coz knock it out of his hands with his snout and sometimes his paws. Yeah, J ended up on his backside a few times and with snow in his face a few others, but that's what's fun about the whole thing, and that's what got J giggling like crazy!

2) Sliding and swinging (more photos in next post).

The 50-cent snow pants Nat bought at a garage sale earlier this year and hand-me-down winter jacket and boots kept him toasty warm and dry enough for us to be outside for about an hour. By the time we went inside, he was pretty much wrecked, but perked right up when grandma Debbie and grandpa Paul swung by.

1 comment:

emgpkg said...

He looks like he had a BLAST!!! Great pictures!