Thursday, September 24, 2009

Southeast Polk homecoming parade

Tonight was Southeast Polk's homecoming parade. While Natalie was helping get everything organized at the beginning of the parade, Jasper P and I set up shop on a corner near my office. As I often do at these events, I mixed business and pleasure, enjoying some 'daddy-Jasper' time while taking photos for the paper.

It's the second SEP homecoming parade J has been to, and it's funny how much things have changed. Last year he liked what he saw, but didn't really care about any of it. This year — to no surprise — he was THRILLED with the tractors that pulled some floats, the big trucks, the dogs walking with the folks from the Altoona Dog Park, and a few other entries like the dancing girls.

The photos are pretty much just J's reaction to the parade. The one with the biggest smile is when he saw the dogs. The one with him leaning forward in anticipation is when he heard a tractor coming. Another is his reaction to the mini-chopper motorcycles - he even held up his hands and made the 'brrroooommm, brrroooommm, brrroooommm' sounds.

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