Monday, September 21, 2009

Hawk family

The Wilsons celebrated Iowa-Iowa State Gameday 2009 by breaking out the Hawkeye gear and cheering on our favorite college football team. Iowa beat the Cyclones easily so, as it often is, the day became more about food, drink and fun — and there was plenty of all that — rather than football.

We watched most of the game with the Gillespies - Kyle, Ami, Payson and Zoe. They're all Cyclone fans, but we still let them in.

I say 'most' because by the fourth quarter Iowa had the game wrapped up so Kyl, Payson, Zoe and I fired up the Guitar Hero 5 game I bought that week. Kind of an impulse buy, you'd say, but it's fun and something that all ages enjoy. We're still working on the easy level and afraid to add that fourth finger. (Guitar Hero players will know what that means.)

The Iowa-Iowa State rivalry will always be a special one for the Wilsons. This game two years ago (Sept. 15, 2007 I believe) was the day we announced to our families and friends that Nat was pregnant. Still remember the smiles, hugs and grandma Debbie's 'All right!' at the table in she and dad's dining room.

Something we'll remember forever.


1 comment:

Erin and Jesse said...

:) Did Jesse and Kyren have any influence on your guitar hero buying? It is a fun game. I don't really play, but it's even fun to watch. Next thing you know you'll be buying rock band. The Shermans have it and they play it as a family all the time.