Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Just hangin' out, messin' around

Jasper went to his friend Emily's volleyball game with sitter Alissa on Tuesday and got home a little before 6. Emily is the older of Alissa's two daughters and is a seventh grader at Ankeny Christian Academy.

It was a casual night at home with Cheerio snacks before dinner, a nice walk after dinner and some fun playing with his farm animals and blocks before reading books and bedtime.

As you can see, MOST of the Cheerios that he was supposed to be snacking on ended up falling off the table. He sat there long enough that they stuck to his pants when he got up. He fell on his butt shortly after we got him down from his seat, smashing all the Cheerios into dust on our kitchen floor. We thought it was pretty dang funny!

The other photos are just J messing around, showing off the sticker (on his shirt) that he got for being nice today at day care. He wasn't thrilled with the idea of getting his photo taken with his dad. (Couldn't be the beard, could it?)

And, by the way, that is me — Jasper's dad — in the photo. (You may not be able to tell, since he looks NOTHING like me.)

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