Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hugs and BITES! Yikes!

Ok, so Jasper has started getting a little bit into the "biting" phase. Let's hope it doesn't last long. He has bit me a couple times just playing around and the other day I gave him a teddy bear to play with and told him to give him a hug...well, he proceeded to bite the bear instead. I normally discipline him, but this time, decided to get a photo to remember it :)


Erin and Jesse said...

He'll grow out of the biting stage don't you worry. At least he's biting a toy and not a person or a real animal. They say biting is a way that kids who are learning to talk get out their emotions and test their boundaries. I've heard of parents giving their kids teething rings to bite when they are frustrated.

Anonymous said...

ohhh don't worry about biting. It's way normal. Lori was my worst biter...BUT she went up to her grandpa, laid across his leg and bit down. His natural reaction was to throw his leg up and it threw her across the room. She never bit another thing after that. heeeeheee