Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Few More Jasperisms

A Few Jasperisms we've heard lately: 1. Cattan Condy = Cotton Candy 2. (Gross one - but I wanted to remember it) "Mom, my poop looks like a whistle, that would be 'ew gross' if we blew on our poop." 3. J: Mom, Avery doesn't have a brain. N: Why would you say that - yes, she does have a brain. J: Because Issa said you can't touch her head because she doesn't have a brain. N: No, Issa said that you can't touch her soft spot on her head. J: Well, I think her brain is really small then because she has a small head. N: Ok, buddy, whatever you think. 4. Jasper met a friend named Jacob while we're staying at Grandma Vicki's House. He is 7 and has come to our house a couple times to play superheros and all the fighting games boys play. When Jacob left the other day, Jasper said, "Bye, Jacob I love you!" Jacob kind of looked at him and gave him an awkward smile. So...we haven't seen Jacob since. Not sure if that's why or what - but Jasper seriously just loves everybody! We did have a little chat that you could really like/love your friends, but we don't normally tell our friends we love them. But then I thought, 'well, why not' so I didn't go into too much more detail with him. 5. I was telling Jasper that he is getting so big I just couldn't believe it. And he said 'well, I can't see myself growing.' 6. Why can't I live with Sydney, Melissa and Harry Potter (their cat). 7. He likes to tell everybody that his gramps is older than them. "My gramps is 60 years old, he's older than you!"

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