Monday, May 7, 2012


I had to post a little info. about Jasper's most recent dream. It all started after he attended the DMU Health Fair with Melissa, Syd, and Adam. He got lots of fun goodies, including one of those balloons that has a string that you can punch. I'm sure there is a name for it, but I don't know what it is :) Anywho, he discovered that he can make the balloon go very fast in circles by holding on to the string and whipping it around. He was doing this and decided that he was like "Red Tornado," which is a superhero character in the mini-Batman books at Grams and Gramps house. Adam and I were clueless as to this characer, but he knew of him fondly. I went to check on Jasper last night while he was sleeping and after I gave him a kiss, he started moving his hand around and around like he was swinging the balloon. It was hilarious, his eyes were closed the whole time and he had no expression on his face, but his hand was going round and round so fast! I tried waking him up and he stopped a little bit and then fell back to sleep. So, this morning I asked if he dreamed that he was red tornado. And he said, "no, but I did dream about a superhero - I dreamed that I was eating a bowl of cereal and had a wolverine (another superhero) fork." Not exactly the dream I thought he'd say, but none the less, he loves his superheros!

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