Thursday, September 8, 2011

Real Dad

There is no photo to go along with this post, but we had to blog about it. Jasper likes to talk about things that he can do when he's older. Instead of talking about being "older" he likes to talk about when he's a "real dad." I'm not sure if this stems from the fact that when we talk about doing big-boy type of things, we usually say when you're older like daddy, you can do certain things. So, an example of a conversation would be:

J: Mom, when can I drive?
Mom: Well, when you're older.
J: You mean, when I'm a real dad?
Mom: Sure, bud.

J: Mom, when I'm a real dad, can I stay home by myself?
Mom: Yes, probably, buddy.

There are many other things he asks about, but of course, I can't remember them now. We didn't want to forget his 'real dad' stage so I wanted to post this.

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