Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter at Gram and Gramp's

We had a great meal and a great Easter egg hunt at Grandma Debbie and Grandpa Paul's house Saturday evening, but ask the kids and they'll tell you the highlight was riding 4-wheelers.

Jasper, Sydney, Kyren and I (Adam) rode all over the place. It's always a good time.

Jasper still falls behind a little bit in the 4-wheeler since his is the slowest, but he's getting pretty darn good on that thing and it won't be long before he graduates to the next level up. Syd and Kyren are pretty darn good drivers, too.

Before we hunted eggs we had to dye them, of course. That's always a great time!

It was also wonderful to have Jasper's great-grandmothers Doris and Rita there, too.

Happy Easter!

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