Thursday, April 21, 2011

Can't Believe He's 3 - Part 1

Adam took some 3-year photos of Jasper. Can't believe he is 3! The time has just flown by and we couldn't be more excited for all the new things to come as he gets older! A couple of Jasperisms that I wanted to write down: barage=garage, bjusting=disgusting, pigerator=(somehow)refrigerator. Those are just a few words that sound absolutely nothing like what he is trying to say, but almost 90% of his other words are definitely very clear, especially when he is trying to make a point about something! He is very independent, loves putting out fires and making trains with pillows and anything else on the couch, helps fix things like daddy, and right now his love is for the movies - Fireman Sam and Monsters, Inc.

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