Thursday, February 10, 2011

16 weeks

For anyone who doesn't know, we're expecting Jasper's baby brother or sister in July.

We made the official announcement two weeks ago over dinner with our families. (To Natalie's credit, we tried to make it a surprise. I don't think we surprised anyone.)

Just like we did for Jasper, we're starting to take regular belly photos and this is the first - at 16 weeks.


The Berryman Family said...

Yay!!!!!! We are so excited for your family!! Congratulations! We hope that Natalie is feeling as well as she looks :o) Jasper will love having a little brother or sister - he's so cute.
Can't wait for more updates and pictures! Are you finding out the sex?
Love ~
Callie (and family)

Erin and Jesse said...

By the way... We are really excited for you guys. If we ever get around to moving back like we want to we would love to babysit for Jasper and his new sibling anytime. As you can see from the videos I posted of Jesse helping me babysit the kids just love him, especially baby girls (fingers crossed, hoping you have a girl).

Erin & Jesse