Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jasper Talk

Just wanted to document some of the funny things Jasper says at almost 3 years old!

1. When I'm 13, I want to drive a police car and pull people over.
2. Pajammies = pajamas
3. I've never done that in a long time or I've never had that before (when he clearly has)
4. A lot of juice, no water (he's caught on to the fact that we put water in his juice!)
5. I'm am = I am
6. Jasper do you want 5 twizzlers? No, I want "free" (three). He is pretty stuck on what he wants, even when we offer more - I'm sure that will change soon.
7. Gramps is my best good buddy (referring to Grandpa Paul)
8. After waking up in the morning, he'll say "I missed you when I was sleeping"
9. We may have scarred him on this one - but for a while he was waking up around 5 a.m. for no real reason and coming to bed with us. We told him repeatedly that he cannot come in bed with us until it's light out. WELL, now, he'll wake up and if it's not light out, he'll go back to bed. And when he wakes up and it is light out, he'll pull up the blinds and say "it's light out now" - I feel bad, but it seemed to work!
10. There seem to be monsters everywhere, especially when we're driving in the car, but they are "dood (good) monsters"
11. He wants to read his "Torduroy" book (Corduroy)
12. That make me happy or that make me sad.
...I'm sure I can't think of all of them now, but I'll post more again!

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