Monday, January 3, 2011

The bad dream

Just a quick post before I forget - no photos - about what I think is Jasper's first bad dream.

He woke up last night around 2 and walked into our room talking about a 'bad cat' on his bed. He wasn't totally awake so I picked him up and asked him if he'd like to go back to his room and go to bed.

He said yes, but on the way back he told me the Bad Cat was sitting on his bed. He pointed right to the spot on his pillow where Bad Cat was sitting and was thrilled when he didn't see him in his room.

He went potty - he's nearly potty trained now! - and went back to bed, but not before he told me about Bad Cat getting his head, and that Bad Cat looked like his sitter's cat Mariah.

"It looked like Mariah at night," he told me before asking me if I'd take care of him. (I said of course!)

He was a little scared but was a trooper about going back to bed. He and I talked about it just being a dream and, after remembering that Mariah is a good, friendly cat he fell back asleep with a smile on his face.

It was funny, sad and sweet all at the same time.

He watched bits and pieces of the latest Shrek movie recently and it's got a bunch of characters in there that might've led to the dream. We'll probably never know.

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