Saturday, July 31, 2010


So, this past Thursday, Jman and I were just finishing up playing outside and I was picking up a few things in the kitchen before we got ready for lunch. I noticed it was quiet and wondered what he was doing. I decided to go check on him and to my surprise found that he had taken a pair of my underwear and put it on himself - it was quite funny because he just kind of was walking around with it on and he thought he had done a pretty good job, as it was just kind of dangling from his legs and was kind of inside-out-upside-down - very funny!

1 comment:

Erin and Jesse said...

Ha ha! This makes me laugh. It also reminds me of something David used to do. He would steal my mom's 1/2 slips and put them around his neck like a big baggy poncho. He would walk around with it on for hours rubbing it between his fingers (silky-ing it, as he called it). He had/has a thing for soft silk or satin material. He used to rub grandma Rita's hands saying he was silky-ing them when she read to him when he was little too. He's a weird kid.