Saturday, July 31, 2010

Storm Damage

We woke up one Sunday morning to our neighbors tree blocking traffic on our street. We were able to get a picture before 5 or 6 men in the neighborhood pulled together and moved it with our neighbor, Ed's, truck, so cars could get through. This was only the beginning of what would be a crazy day...

We had quite a bit of damage to our backyard trees as well, but luckily our house/cars weren't damaged. Grams and Gramps came to visit us and help us pick up the debri. Gramps was on a ladder cutting down some old limbs, when one broke off, hit the ground, and came right back at him and hit his lip - causing a trip to the ER and 3 stitches. Luckily, he wasn't hurt more seriously and Jasper told everyone for a couple weeks after the incident "grandpa fell off ladder." We felt awful that happened, but glad he is doing better now!

1 comment:

Erin and Jesse said...

Yikes! That sounds scary. Glad everyone is ok and the debris has been taken care of.