Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Birthday bike!!!

Jasper got most of his birthday gifts Sunday at his party, but we saved the big one for today. We thought it'd be torture for him to get his bike this morning then have to leave it at home all day when he was at Alissa's, so we waited until we got home tonight.

It's called a Strider and it's pretty much a miniature bike without pedals.

And it is sweet.

The idea is to help him learn how to ride a bike without having to take his feet off the ground. He can just walk while sitting on the seat and holding onto the handles until he gets good enough to really get going.

It took him all of about 2 seconds to figure it out. Then we rode up the hill and back down to our house before having Jasper's favorite meal — blueberry pancakes!

1 comment:

Erin and Jesse said...

He looks so excited. Obviously the best gift. Way to go mom & dad!