Saturday, March 20, 2010

2010 Altoona Hy-Vee Easter egg hunt

This is the second year we went to the Altoona Hy-Vee Easter egg hunt. Last year it was cold and windy. This year there was about 4-5 inches of snow on the ground.

The Hy-Vee staff did a great job clearing the snow from a patio out back and, by the time the egg hunt was on, the patio was pretty much dry. They spread out everything from plastic eggs with prizes inside to little cartons of milk, pencils, frozen pizzas - and of course candy!

Jasper wasn't all that interested in most of the prizes. He came home with a little matchbox car, a squishy football and a balloon - simple treasures for our boy!

And, of course, we couldn't leave without meeting the Easter bunny. I was a little nervous about it since he didn't care much for Santa Claus and Frosty the Snowman during Christmas, but he walked right up to the bunny, gave him 5 and hopped right up on his lap for photos. (Little bugger wouldn't look at his dad, though ... he kept his eyes on the Hy-Vee gals taking his photo instead.)

On a side note, he must've been excited for the egg hunt because he was awake by 6 a.m. this morning. Normally he sleeps until about 7:30, so by the time the egg hunt was over he was wrecked. And 5 minutes into our car ride home, he was O-U-T ... OUT!

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