Friday, October 30, 2009


Beggar's Night in Des Moines was tonight (Friday), so we welcomed trick-or-treaters for about 45 minutes. We only had about a half-dozen, but that didn't stop J from waiting anxiously at the window for the next one coming by. We closed up shop after a while and walked around to a few houses in the neighborhood before it got too late.

Jasper, being the outgoing child that he is, not only welcomed himself to a couple of handfuls of candy at each stop, he walked right in to each house. At our first stop they had a zombie-type character that came alive with the push of a button. His trick: he pulled his own head off. J matched his trick with a loud 'Grrrr!'

At stop No. 2, the McNeely's, J got to hang for a second with Ryan, Chuck and Terry's granddaughter who is around 6 months old. As you can see, he liked it a little more than she did.

Stop No. 3 had two Boston Terriers meet us at the door, which would've been fun enough for J as it was. But Melanie brought out bags of treats for both Jasper and Cozmo, which was very nice of her.

After trick-or-treating we still had plenty of time before bedtime so we took a couple of family pictures while he was still in costume and had a heck of a good time playing in the living room. J loves the 'airplane' now where i pick him up with my feet. His airplane always crashes, though, onto the couch - his favorite part of each ride.

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