Friday, October 9, 2009

Taste of Altoona

Jasper P and I manned the Altoona Herald's booth Thursday as Natalie worked one of her big events for the chamber, the 10th annual Taste of Altoona. This year I think the event drew nearly 60 vendors (various businesses and organizations from the local area) and more than 700 people.

It's a really fun event where folks mingle and every booth offers some sort of snack - everything from Rice Krispie treats (my booth) to chicken wings, mini-tacos, wine and more.

J was a great helper. He greeted everyone with a quick wave and sometimes even a high 5. He flirted with the gals who rolled by in their strollers and he enjoyed MANY treats before we headed home.

What a fun night!

1 comment:

Erin and Jesse said...

Denver has a Taste of Colorado. I went there with Ryan this year. That's where I tried Chocolate Bacon Flavored ice cream with bacon sprinkles and Ryan got Chocolate dipped Bacon. Yeah, not really that tasty. We both decided the ice cream was good sans the bacon sprinkles, but we could have done with out the rest of it.