Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Play Date

Jasper and I met Isabelle and her mom, Melissa (Kiene) Meyer at the Park last weekend. It was a little hotter than we thought it was going to be (87 in mid-May) As you can see on their faces, they were sweaty - it's hard work playing!

Jasper fell a couple times and got a scraped knee - I was not prepared. Note to self: need to get first aid kit for the car. And even though Isabelle and I walked to the top of the "very big" slide, I still couldn't convince her that it was "not scary" to go down. We then headed to DQ for some ice cream. Jasper and I shared a cherry-dip cone - yum! Melissa is about 2 weeks away from welcoming their new baby boy to the world - we're so excited for them!

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