Monday, April 13, 2009

Guest Poster - Aunt Melissa

I stole Jasper after work on Friday and brought him home with me. We headed out to Grandma and Gramps house for some Easter Egg Coloring. And I use that term very loosely. Jasper's first egg went right in his mouth, and when he didn't enjoy the shell cracking in his mouth, he threw it to the floor. We resorted to finger painting and playing in water while the other kids colored eggs. I took a few videos...

Coloring Eggs 1 (2009) from Melissa Wilder on Vimeo.

Jasper Finger Painting from Melissa Wilder on Vimeo.

Jasper Plaing in the Water! from Melissa Wilder on Vimeo.

Jasper Playing in the Water 2 from Melissa Wilder on Vimeo.

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