Thursday, March 26, 2009

Let us eat cake!

On Tuesday Jasper followed a big birthday dinner — what else would you expect? — with birthday cake. He found it in his heart to share one piece each with his mom and dad, but did his best to make the rest disappear.

Here are a few cake photos.

By the way, if you'd like to see Jasper's 1-year photos, taken by Kelly Kesling who has a studio in the basement of her Altoona home, go online to Click the 'Client link'; the password is 'Jasper.'

1 comment:

Erin and Jesse said...

I just checked out Jasper's b-day photos and they all look really good. He's adorable in his dress clothes of course, but I have to say that the birthday cake ones are my favorite. They're more natural for a 1yr old if you ask me. :)