Tuesday, March 24, 2009

An indoor playground!!!

We celebrated Jasper's first birthday by spending a couple of hours at The Playground for Kids in Ankeny. It's raining out, so The Playground is a perfect place since it's exactly what it says it is ... only indoors.
It took him a few minutes to figure everything out, and he was easily distracted because of his people watching, but he ended up having a great time.
His favorites: the slides and the doors. Just like at home, he spent much of his time opening and closing the big doors (photo), little doors and flipping the table top up and down inside one of the little plastic play-things.
He hasn't had much experience with slides, but took to them quickly, especially the big yellow one inside one of the bounce houses (photo).
This post and the next are photos from The Playground. Enjoy ... we sure did!

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