Sunday, January 4, 2009

Kyren's swimming party

To celebrate cousin Kyren's birthday, Melissa and Ken invited everyone to a swimming party at AmericInn in Stuart on Jan. 3.

It was a good time with a lot of people there to celebrate before Kyren flew home to Virginia.

It was also the first time Jasper has been in a pool and, besides the first time grandpa Paul tried to put his feet in the water, he handled it very well. I think he may even have enjoyed himself, although he got a little chilly so we go out after about 20-30 minutes.

It was a good test, though, as Nat and I are deciding whether or not to take him to an infant swim class in Des Moines this month.


emgpkg said...

What does the expression on his face mean in the picture of him on the tube with Adam?

Erin and Jesse said...

I like the one of him and Grandpa Paul hanging out.

Wilson family said...

He's making a face that says: 'I love swimming ... but I hate this girlie pink floatie!!!'

emgpkg said...

Of course that is what his face means!!! Darn pink things!!! :)