Thursday, January 22, 2009

First swim class

Tonight was Jasper's first swim class ... and he loved it!

It wasn't the first time he was in a pool — that was at Kyren's birthday party at Americinn in Stuart — and I think having already been in a pool helped tonight. 

We sang songs, swam around, played with bath toys and just had a darn good time in the warm water at Ruby Van Meter School in Des Moines.

About 10 other kids and their parents enjoyed the warm water with us, while Nat and others watched. (We thought only one parent could be in the water at once, but that's not the case. She'll join us in the water very soon!)

1 comment:

emgpkg said...

Looks like he had a BLAST! I love that you can see his teeth so well when he smiles! CUTE! CUTE! CUTE!