Friday, December 26, 2008

Great Christmas ... bad news

Jasper's first Christmas was great. He got everything he asked Santa for. Santa brought Jasper a Leap Frog Learn and Groove Music Table (see photo), books, clothes, and much, much more than I can't think of right now.

Normally I would've attached a photo of Jasper playing with the table, but that's where the 'bad news' in the headline comes in. Natalie got a new camera for Christmas, with which we took something like 50 photos yesterday, including J opening gifts at home, at grandpa and grandma Wilson's and at the Weller's.

I tried to upload the blog using those photos this morning but, to my chagrin, I accidentally hit a 'format' key on the new camera — read the damn directions, Adam! — and deleted the photos from the card.
Let's just say I'm none too pleased with myself.

So here's where you all come in. If you took any photos of Jasper (and us) Christmas day, please email them to me at

The photos attached are from another camera. Let's just say these aren't the best of the best, but right now it's all we've got.

Thanks all ... and Merry Christmas!!!

1 comment:

emgpkg said...

Payton has that same table and loves it! Right now it's really fun to hide snacks under the green lid.