Thursday, May 15, 2008

Happy Mothers Day!

Here are some pictures from my first Mothers Day - It was such a great day!  As you can see in the pictures, Jasper takes a nap in the chair on daddy's lap before we head over to aunt Sandy's house. At Sandy's, we get lots of pictures taken with his new cousin, Perri Smith.  She was born exactly 1 month after Jasper. Pictured are me and my cousin, Allison, with the little ones and then the two grandmas - Sandy Swallow and Vicki Henderson.  

The night before Mothers Day, we got to spend a great evening with Adam's family to celebrate Mother's Day with Debbie and Melissa.  Jasper experienced his first restaurant - The "Rusty Duck" in Dexter...he slept almost the whole time, and when he started to get fussy toward the end of the experience, Grandma Debbie was there to do a little bouncin' and walkin' around - his two favorite things to do - while mom and dad finished eating. 

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