Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My mommy and me

Hey everyone,
This is the last full week of my maternity leave and I'm really going to miss my full days with our little man!   

On Monday, I'll start working part-time for the next two weeks and then will start full-time after that (yep, the tears are already flowing as I right this...) Jasper's Grandma Vicki is going to watch him while both Adam and I are at work for the next two weeks, so she'll gets lots of extra loving with him - that I know she's looking forward to.

I know when I return to work full-time Jasper is going to be in great hands and I've got a great job to go back to.  Paulette and Jody at the Chamber enjoy Jasper as much as I do, so I know they won't mind if I bring in a HUGE picture collage of Jasper to take over my desk and the one, maybe two.. or three...phone calls to daycare to check up on him!  (I'm only somewhat kidding!) :)

So, besides starting to get emotional over my maternity leave winding down, I smile looking back on how great spending all day, everyday with Jasper has been! He is so special and I just love him so much!  I can't wait for the many milestones that we still have ahead with him, but I will always treasure this time that he and I shared together! (in the photo - Jasper falling asleep in my arms)  

- Natalie 

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