Sunday, January 2, 2011

'Twas the Night Before Christmas

The night before Christmas, Jasper got cuddled up in his new SpongeBob jammies from Grandma Vicki. We got a plate ready of cookies for Santa and carrots for his reindeer. Oh, and of course a cup of milk to go with the cookies. Then we all enjoyed 'Twas the Night Before Christmas which Daddy read to us before we tucked Jman into bed. We also read two of his other favorite Christmas stories - Baby Elf's Christmas (Grandma Debbie got it for him his very first Christmas) and The Christmas Story where Jasper likes to read, "Happy Birthday Baby Jesus!"

He was so excited for Santa and was saying, "we need to go to bed so Santa can come." He usually goes to bed really good each night, but tonight, he did his bedtime routine a little quicker than normal.

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