Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Breakfast with Santa

Pleasant Hill hosted its annual Breakfast with Santa on Saturday, Dec. 4. Sydney and Melissa spent Friday night with us after Melissa's office party, and we hit Doanes Park Youth Center for breakfast first thing Saturday morning.

Unlike last year, Jasper was thrilled to see Santa and Mrs. Claus - no tears! - and wasn't shy when he and Syd spotted the 8-foot-tall Frosty the Snowman. (J did all he could last year to avoid Frosty.)

Breakfast was pancakes and sausage with milk and orange juice.

Dessert was a candy cane given by none other than the jolly one and his wife, otherwise known as Gene and Martha Miller. (These folks have played the Claus couple for decades and, while they hint at retirement just about every year, they keep coming back.)

Syd and Jasper also paid a visit to the face painters. Syd's a veteran with face paint but this was Jasper's first foray into the world of makeup and he was transformed into Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer. Syd, I think, was a snow princess of some sort.

Both looked very cute and didn't mind showing off their painted mugs.

We stopped by the balloon dude - he made them reindeer heads - on our way out. And, of course, we stopped for a quick photo outside on the rocks like we did last year, too.

Fun times!

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