Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sleepover with Ava

Right now, as I type, young Jasper P has a girl in his room.

Around 2 p.m. today Hank and Melissa Norem dropped their daughter Ava off for a sleepover while they went to a wedding in Kansas City. We've been playing hard ever since - riding bikes, eating ice cream and about everything else you can think of.

Here's just a few photos I took of the play time, including Ava pulling Jasper in our wagon, climbing around on the jungle gym and playing in the sand pile.

Now they're both sound asleep in Jasper's bedroom - Jasper in his crib, Ava in the pack-and-play. They were asleep about 1 minute after we laid them down and we haven't heard a peep out of either.

Fun, fun!!!

1 comment:

H&M said...

Looks like the kiddos had a great time! Thanks again for letting Ava hang out at the Wilson fam! - Hank & Melissa