Thursday, April 15, 2010

More fun with Ava

So ... I forgot that we had two cameras out while Ava Norem stayed the night last weekend, so I'm just getting around to loading these.

As you can see, they had a great time together.

Following the order of the photos:

Jasper is showing Ava around the neighborhood from our front door, and telling her about one of his favorite neighbors, Gary. He even pointed out Gary's big, gray van.

The two of them broke out J's new fire gear, including his fire 'ex-ting-shusher.'

J was SO EXCITED to show off the Elmo camera he got for his birthday that he missed the chair and crashed onto his butt. (He was fine, although his ego must've taken a small hit.)

Ava stood still long enough for us to snap a photo of them with stickers on their hands and arms. J ... not so much.

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