Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sleepy boy

What happens after a weekend during which Jasper attends two birthday parties, stays with his grandma Vicki and visits grandparents Paul and Debbie? He falls asleep within seconds of being strapped into his car seat.

Friday night we had a birthday party for cousin Noah, who turned 10 today (Sunday). Saturday we had a birthday party for friend Isabelle Meyer, who just turned 4. After Isabelle's party grandma Vicki took J to dinner with a bunch of her friends and (I'm sure) kept him up past his bedtime. This is just one night after J stayed up until after 10 at Noah's party. (He normally goes to bed between 7:30-8 p.m. and wakes up around 7 a.m.)

Today we picked J up at Vicki's around 11 and headed out for lunch and to play at the Wilsons before leaving around 4. After about an hour at home we got back into the car and headed to Merle Hay Mall for Friends & family Night at Sears. Found a few deals before getting home and putting J straight to be.

Good, but tiring, weekend!

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