Sunday, November 29, 2009

Brothers, buddies, and all that fun stuff

Cozmo and Jasper have been best buddies since J first came around. As best buddies do, they accept each other's lesser qualities: Coz looks the other way when J drives his trucks and tractors on his head/back and steals his chew bones, and he understands when J forgets to do 'nice touches' and instead gives him a whack on the butt.

Jasper, meanwhile, doesn't get too mad at Coz when he licks Bubba (J's blanket), steals food out of his hands, and J knows Coz doesn't mean any harm when he knocks him over or accidentally scratches him when they're playing.

Here's a handful of photos of the boys today, including one where Coz is giving me a look that says "Let me guess, Jasper's going to steal my bone again. How fun!"

1 comment:

Erin and Jesse said...

Coz looks so sad in the first picture. Sad, but accepting of the fact that Jasper is about to steal his toy. What a good dog. You guys are lucky to have him.