Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pumpkin patch

Jasper, Natalie and I met grandpa Paul and grandma Debbie on Sunday, Oct. 18 at the TimberPine pumpkin patch near Earlham.

Sure, they had pumpkins to find, playground equipment to enjoy, hay bales to climb on and much, much more. But Jasper cared about one thing. Well, really, J cared about two things: the tractors and grandpa Paul.

We took a hayrack ride out to the pumpkin patch, where Jasper lifted some pumpkins and tried to lift others. He found some that had gotten frozen overnight and were starting to rot ('Ewww,' he said). And, with a little playful help from gram and gramp, he even tried to lick a couple of them (pictured).

We got pictures of the whole day, stopping near the end of our time there for a family shot. Nat and I were into in. Jasper, even though he says 'Cheese!' now when he sees the camera, was not.

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